
Meditation in the Pool

My workout this morning provided an object lesson about walking with God and growing in character.  I got into the pool for a swim, and within 3 lengths I started feeling some cramping in my left calf! I was totally frustrated, because this has been a thing lately and I was careful to hydrate and get some electrolytes this morning, in addition to eating a good breakfast.  I could tell it wasn’t injury related, but just my muscle fibers whining.  So I pushed through and it got better, though it never completely went away…sort of nagging me like a 4-year old in the back seat whining “how much longer?”  Honestly, this is just part of physical training.  The body is a divine masterpiece which, barring illness or injury, will do whatever we demand of it with surprising speed & efficiency….IF we don’t give up!

Like Paul reminded his protege’ in Timothy 4:8 – “Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”  Some of my most inspirational realizations and moments with the Lord come to me while I’m sweating and gasping for breath.  Today’s lesson was a reminder to avoid the temptation of running away from discomfort.  We falsely believe that God wants us to be comfortable, when in fact He wants us to grow…and discomfort is most often required to catalyze the process. 
“Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.” (James 1:2-4)

By catalystshawn

Shawn is the founding Minister/Executive Director of Catalyst NW, launched in 2007. Before starting Catalyst, Shawn was a full-time Youth Pastor and Church Planter in traditional churches for 13-years. Shawn and his wife Marina live in Tualatin, OR, and are actively involved with Grace Chapel in Wilsonville. They have 2 adult kids who are their pride & joy, one funny little dog, and a cuddly cat.