
Golf Marathon Reflections

I’m thinking about the significance of Catalyst’s recent fundraising success with the Golf Marathon.  23 people raised $59,000 in sponsorships for playing 100-holes of golf in 4-hours last Saturday.  There’s nothing noble about showing up to play golf, but the time & energy these guys & gals put into the effort in the weeks leading up to the event was amazing.  There are some lessons in there about our motivations, and the effect we can have in the world.

People are motivated by all kinds of things…mostly for personal pleasure or gain.  That seems to be the “god” of our age.  The place we go to fill the void.  “If there’s something in it for me, count me in…If it makes me happy or gains me wealth/prestige then I’ll invest time & energy into it….but if not, forget it.”  Most people wouldn’t say it like that, but it’s pretty much how our motivational drives seem to work.  That’s the “fallen” side of human nature…self-centered…working to manufacture feelings of worth & hope & joy based upon our circumstances.

But there’s another side of our nature, which is tied to the God-Stuff in all of us.  Humans are capable of amazing acts of selfless service & sacrifice.  People who invest time in energy serving others are the ones who inspire us and catalyze wonderful things in the world.  This is God’s intention, and it points toward His character.  I felt like I was surrounded by people last Saturday who really understood this, and were working toward it.  What a pleasure!

When we put our pleasure on hold in order to meet the real needs of others…
When we sacrifice our time in endeavors that benefit others…
When we invest our money to provide for the necessities of others…

…We experience true happiness
…We redeem time
…We generate heavenly wealth for the life to come

…We’re acting just like Jesus


Some Of The Ways Jesus Worshipped

What does it really mean to “worship”?  Surely it’s more than what we do in church buildings!  To Jesus, worship was a way of life:

Befriending the outcasts of society 

Loving & playing with children
Constantly getting away from everyone & everything, out to solitary places, for prayer
Enjoying food & drink in moderation
Being absolutely, completely dedicated to God’s ways without shoving them down others’ throats
Speaking out against abuses of power and oppression of the poor
Honoring parents & old-timers
Teaching beyond popular platitudes, getting to the heart of the issues
Investing time getting to know & understand God’s Word
Using money to strengthen God’s Kingdom instead of one’s own
Letting reputation be built by character, rather than manufacturing opportunities to boost popularity
Living every day as though our Heavenly Father is, indeed, in control
These are some of the ways Jesus worshiped.  What are some others?  How do you most like to worship?

“His Story” – A Summary of the entire Bible

This summary of the entire Bible was written by Taft Mitchell.  It will take you about 10-minutes to read, but it’s well worth it.  Let me know what you think…
Let me tell you a story about home. It’s a true story that is changing lives and relationships in your home town and all around the world. It’s the story of God and his intention to restore us all to home; a home of harmony, love, and joy. We find this story in the history of our race, recorded in the Bible. The Bible is not make-believe. It is an historical document verified by other historical writings and discoveries, given by God as his word to us, a word with the power to make us whole and the power to lead us home. Here is the briefest of summaries of his word:
Our story begins with God; for, in the beginning, before anything else, only he was there. He is the Most High God, the only one. From his enormously fertile imagination he created everything else. What fun he must have had! He spoke his intention and all things came into being, each at its own time. And when all was ready, he created life…angels of great power and beauty to serve and appreciate him; living animals, birds, reptiles, and insects; creatures of the water and the land. When all else was done, he created man…in his image.  When he was done creating (is God ever done creating?), he examined all that he had made. You can imagine his pleasure as he said that it was all good and very beautiful.
Relationships are the most important thing in life, and God created man and woman to live in relationship with him. Their “image” was brightest and best when he was at their center. He created a fabulous garden for them to care for and live in and they lived at peace and in harmony with him and each other. And then he gave them the world to fill and to govern. He gave them one command; just one. All was theirs save for the fruit of one tree in that garden: The ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil.’ He warned them that if they ate from that tree, they would die. They listened to him and lived with him in that setting of beauty. All was well and they were home.
Then a terrible thing happened. One of the angels – beautiful, powerful, and filled with pride – wanted to be like God and have the other angels follow him instead of God. But he was not God, and he was not the creator, and he was not worthy of worship. His pride lied to him. He rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven.
It was this fallen creature who entered the garden and used lies and temptation to move the woman to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. She listened to him and ate of the fruit, and then gave the fruit to the man so that he might eat of it as well. With a sudden explosion of clarity they knew that they had done wrong, and their relationship with God was damaged. This is the first record of sin. Sin is anything that separates us from God, and disobeying his commands is sin. Just as God had warned the man and the woman when he told them not to eat of the forbidden fruit, the consequence of sin was, and is, death. Completely righteous and holy, God cannot allow sin to go unpunished; because it fractures the perfect plan he created. And so the man and the woman were cast from their home with God, and their relationship with him was shattered.
As Adam & Eve’s descendants, we find ourselves in their place. We too have sinned many times and in many ways. And sin has a terrible effect on our lives. We find that the things that separate us from God also separate us from each other, causing damage to our relationships and to our place in God’s world. Separated from God and struggling to live in relationship with each other, we are far from home; hungry for harmony, love, and joy, knowing that, as we are, we cannot live forever with God as we were designed to do.
Over time, the number of people on the earth multiplied. God loved them and desired them to have a relationship with him, but peoples and cultures had developed far from his design. So he gave a chosen group of people commandments and instructions to follow – markers to right living – like not worshiping other Gods or making idols to worship; honoring your parents; not lying, stealing, murdering, or committing adultery; and more. His plan was to display His character through this people, Israel, and through them to bless all the peoples & nations in the world. However, no one was able to successfully live by obeying all of the commandments.
So God gave them another way to be cleansed of their sin. Each time they sinned, God allowed them to make a blood sacrifice to take the place of their sin. This sacrifice was the shedding of the blood of a perfect animal, like a lamb. Remember the consequence of sin? Death. But if the people would repent and offer the blood sacrifice, God would forgive them and let the animal die in their place. Sin is so terrible, so damaging to God’s created order and beauty of life, that only the shedding of blood can bring forgiveness.
But people kept sinning, and the sin sacrifice became a ritual rather than something from their heart. God wearied of their insincerity, and they were still separated from him. His commandments, given to show them the way to live and prosper, became their judge rather than their path to wholeness. He inspired & sent many messengers over hundreds of years, to call them back into relationship with Him. The combined history, laws, and writings of His messengers is now known as the Old Testament, the first part of the Bible; God’s Word to mankind. But His chosen people remained separated from God, farther and farther from home.  Today, we have also found this to be true; no matter how good our intentions, we cannot come back to God, no matter how hard we try. But God was able to use even our failure in His plan to bring us back into relationship with Him.
Through the centuries, God’s love for people never faded, so he did for us what we cannot do for ourselves. He used history, nations, and peoples to create the perfect way for us to reconnect with him. At just the right time, using just the right people, in just the right way…Jesus was given. Through him, God walked the earth again to show us the way back to himself. In Jesus, God calls us home.
Who was Jesus? The historical record tells us that he was a teacher of great depth and clarity, bringing light to the path of life as God intends it. The same record tells us he was a miracle worker. He demonstrated in many ways his mastery over the created order. He stopped a storm, he fed crowds from virtually nothing, he healed thousands, he restored deranged persons to their right minds, and he restored dead people to life. His power is greater than the powers of the world, or of evil. He is not only able to satisfy our needs, he is able to satisfy our deepest desire: Closeness to God and restoration to home.
Jesus was God in flesh, loving us and calling us all home.
However, remember sin? And its consequence…death?  Sin is everything that separates us from God, the giver of life. It is in God’s plan to deal with this core     problem of sin, that we see the power and purpose of Jesus.
Jesus never sinned. He was so focused on doing what was right, that his life was completely wrapped-up in doing his father’s will in all things. He was perfect. Because of his perfection, the father used Jesus to shatter the barriers between us and God…and each other.
Because of his sheer goodness and compassion, most people loved Jesus. But not the entrenched religious leaders. Because of their jealousy and political power they arrested Jesus, placed him on a large cross (two pieces of wood shaped in a large “T.”), nailed him there through his hands and feet, and killed him. From his hands, feet, and body flowed his precious blood.
All this was part of God’s plan; because Jesus was the perfect sacrifice, able and willing to die for the sins of all mankind. We will never fully understand the mystery of this historical event: God in flesh, yet mortal man; the one who healed and raised others, yet died himself as a sacrifice; giver of life, embracing death. But we do know this from that historical record: That God chose to place all of the sin of all people from all times on Jesus as he died, so that all of that sin might be completely forgiven. He took our place!
And that should have been the end of it, right? No. The best was yet to come.  After Jesus died he was placed in a secure tomb, sealed with a large stone. That was on a Friday. On the following Sunday, early in the morning, God raised Jesus from the dead!  For 40 days, at various times, he appeared to his followers; preparing them for God’s next act. But the enormous importance of what he had done was clear: He became our complete and final sacrifice. He shattered the power of sin, defeated death, and cast open the gates of heaven so that all who would might go home! Life, harmony, love, and joy triumphed!  Multitudes of people were eyewitnesses of all these events, and a handful of His most trusted followers faithfully wrote books & letters about His ministry, teachings, and coming return.  These writings are now known as the New Testament, the second part of the Bible; God’s Word to mankind.
What God wants of us today isn’t complicated. We are simply to follow Him.  The Bible uses the word ‘repent;’ which means to leave our former way of living, and believe in God so thoroughly that we live for him…just him. Just before his death, Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Follow him, that’s what God wants us to do. Early in his teaching ministry Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in the God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death to life.” But even that is not the end of the story.
We have God’s promise that those who live in Him will transcend death; that we will then be clothed with new bodies of incredible beauty and power, and that we will live forever with God – the source of joy, love, and peace. Finally, we will be home. There, we will be part of a vast crowd; too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language.  We will be gathered together with God, and heaven will resound with our roar of sheer joy…forever…
HIS STORY Discussion Questions:
Aside from whether you believe everything in ‘His Story’ or not…
  • Is this picture of God consistent with what you have heard about the God of the Bible? How so, or how is it not?
  • What are some aspects you strongly agree with?
  • What are some aspects you strongly disagree with?
  • If this were really true, how would it make you feel about the character and intentions of God?
  • If this were really true, how would it make you feel about the nature and needs of people?
  • What is ‘Your Story’?  How do you respond to this? How do you respond to Jesus?


Take My Hand And Walk

Yesterday I worked really hard, to the point of being physically depleted by the end of the day.  Sometimes when that happens, I wake up the next morning in an emotional funk…feeling like I deserve a medal for the effort I expended, which resulted in my thrashed state of being.  But the morning doesn’t care about how amazing my accomplishments were yesterday, my bones ache, my dog irritates me, and I feel discouraged & negative.  This morning was one of those.
I start drinking coffee as soon as I get upstairs, and instinctively start to search my mind for something to help me get over the hump…a grand purpose to refuel my motivation.  The world’s voices tell us to find meaning & resolve within ourselves, or our accomplishments, or our possessions, or pleasure, or adventure, or whatever….ANYTHING BUT THE ONE THING WE WERE MADE FOR.
If you know me well, you understand that I am not a prude, stick-in-the-mud adherent to religious rules & traditions, but hear this: The older I get, the more I am convinced that the sincere love of God, the life of following Jesus, and the hope of our eternal home, is what makes this life not only bearable…but joyful.  I needed a perspective check this morning, and I found it while listening to the words of one of my favorite old Jesus songs, “Take My Hand And Walk” by The Kry:
“I know there are times your dreams turn to dust.  You wonder as you cry, why it has to hurt so much. Give Me all your sadness, someday you will know the reason why.  With a child-like heart, simply put your trust in Me.

Take My hand and walk where I lead, keep your eyes on Me alone. Don’t you say “why were the old days better?” just because you’re scared of the unknown.  Take My hand and walk.

Don’t live in the past, cause yesterday’s gone.  Wishing memories would last, you’re afraid to carry on.  You don’t know what’s comin’, but you know the one who holds tomorrow.  I will be your guide, take you through the night if you keep your eyes on Me.

Faith is to be sure of what you hope for and the evidence of things unseen, so take my hand and walk.  Just like a child holdings daddy’s hand, don’t let go of mine…you know you can’t stand on your own.

Take My hand and walk where I lead, keep your eyes on Me alone. Don’t you say “why were the old days better?” just because you’re scared of the unknown.  Take My hand and walk.”

The Lure of Power & Possessions

Try to remember today that lasting joy & peace cannot be found in power or possessions.  Some would say that these are among the pantheon of American gods…I would agree.  Neither is evil, but both are snares when pursued for themselves.  In the grand scheme of things, both are meant to be the currency of giving….in other words, they are not meant to be pursued…but given away.  Consider the wise words of Jesus:
“You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them.  But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else.  For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:42-45)

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.  So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.  Sell your possessions and give to those in need. This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven never get old or develop holes. Your treasure will be safe; no thief can steal it and no moth can destroy it. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”  (Luke 12:31-34)

Believing in God vs. Believing Him

In what is arguably the most well-known scripture in the Bible, Jesus states that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  That’s John 3:16…well-meaning Christians hold up signs for it at football games, trying to get the message out.  But what does it mean to “believe,” really?  It seems to me that there’s a big disconnect between the sincere, life-giving belief I read about in the Bible, and the hypocritical kind I see around me in the lives of many who say they believe…and often in myself as well.
I think a great deal of confusion exists about the correlation between our perception of who God is, and our experience of God in our daily lives.  In part, much of the confusion comes down to the definition of the word BELIEVE.  You may “believe in God” and yet have no appreciable connection with Him, really….so it makes absolutely no difference in your everyday life.  BELIEF, in that case, may be just a passive & detached agreement with a list of religious facts that kick-in after you die.  But that’s not what the Bible word “believe” means.  It’s a living, breathing, committed relationship that controls your life.  I would argue that many people who believe in Jesus actually don’t….any more than they believe that a tsunami will wipe out the Oregon coast without warning someday.  It’s possible, but it’s not going to keep one from enjoying a trip out to Seaside on a sunny day.  The one who believes that a tsunami is coming would never go beyond the coastal range.  What we truly believe in controls our motivations, values, and behaviors.
Believing has to do with putting one’s trust in something….even to the point of sacrificing something dear to you in order to maintain or obtain something even better.  I not only believe that God exists, but I believe Him.  I believe that His opinions and values are true and right and worth following….simply because He’s God and I’m not.  Belief has to do with trusting and submission…and this produces understanding & meaning & peace.  When this rebellious mind of mine refuses to believe, demanding self-determination, sooner or later I end up at the same dead-end….once again needing to acquiesce to my Savior.  Following is today’s devotion from “Jesus Calling”…
“Let Me control your mind.  The mind is the most restless, unruly part of mankind.  Long after you have learned the discipline of holding your tongue, your thoughts defy your will and set themselves up against Me.  Man is the pinnacle of My creation, and the human mind is wondrously complex.  I risked all by granting you freedom to think for yourself.  This is god-like privilege, forever setting you apart from animals and robots.  I made you in My image, precariously close to deity.   Though My blood has fully redeemed you, your mind is the last bastion of rebellion.  Open yourself to My radiant Presence, letting My Light permeate your thinking.  When My Spirit is controlling your mind, you are filled with life and peace.”

I implore myself and you today, believe in Jesus.  

Growing Your Veggies is like Growing Your Spirit

This is a picture of my new veggie garden.  I just planted lettuce, spinach, kale, and snap peas.  I’m totally excited about it, which makes me sound totally old, right?!  The garden plot has been occupied for the past many years by our above-ground swimming pool, but the kids barely used it last year so we retired it and I’m still trying to sell it on Craigslist.  OK, back to the garden.

I think that gardening….the art & commitment to growing stuff…is a lot like our spiritual lives.  We don’t know exactly why & how seeds grow into plants, but we know what to do in order to cooperate with nature so that it happens.  We can just become students of what different kinds of seeds do, what they require, and put-in the hard work that’s needed to make them behave in the way they were designed to by the Designer.

Like plants, we all want to grow, to be healthy & protected, to bear fruit and be lovely & useful.  In life, we want to be blessed, to be favored in our circumstances and fulfilled in our hopes & dreams.  We all want to go to heaven when we die.  We all want to love and be loved.  We want to make others happy. We all want to internalize the lessons we learn from our mistakes, getting stronger & wiser as time goes on.  We all want to make a difference in the world, so it’s better because we were here.  But in my experience, not many people are willing to do what it takes to nurture these outcomes.  Instinctively, these are all manifestations of the GOD STUFF in us, and it is THROUGH GOD that they ultimately find their fulfillment.

Every one of us was made in God’s image, and that image lay within us like seeds.  The amount to which the God stuff grows within us, out from us into the world, and underneath us propelling us into closer relationship with our Creator beyond this world, is proportional to the amount of commitment we exert in seeking those things in the manner He has revealed to us.  We don’t invent the rules, but we can learn to cooperate with them.  Scripture calls this kind of lifestyle “submission”, “faithfulness”, “walking with God”, etc.

If you want a withered & weak spirit, ignore all this and do whatever you want.  But the God of the Universe has reached into human history and left footprints for us to follow.  If you’re open to Him, and want the best of what He created you for, it’s not necessarily easy but it’s really simple.  Seek the objective truth of who God is relentlessly, read your Bible for real, pray like God is actually there, spend time with other people who are more committed to following Jesus than anything else, be generous to others with time & money, say “no” to passions & temptations that inhibit your dedication & growth in God.  The growth and fruit is worth it….it’s the only thing that’s worth it that will bloom into eternity.


Tough Question 6: Why Does It Seem Like God’s Way Is Against the Way of the Real World?

Tough Question 6: Why Does It Seem Like God’s Way Is Against the Way of the Real World?

Because it is.
Because our ideas of the purpose of life are most often in direct contrast to God’s.
Because God’s Kingdom is more real that the world we currently live in.
Because we were made for something else, something far more whole, but it hasn’t started yet.

Wow, this sounds like the Matrix, right?! (one of my all-time favorite flicks)

Remember that guy Copernicus, the one who said that the earth revolves around the sun, rather than the sun revolving around the earth?  Before his bold proclamation in the 16th Century, it was generally understood that the earth was the center of the universe.  Well, guess what, it’s not….and the Copernican Revolution changed science forever.  To me, this is a perfect analogy for the intrinsic human assumption that we are the center of the universe.  We may not actually “believe” that, but we sure do consistently act like it, don’t we?  Our behaviors telegraph our inner values & belief systems…the real ones.

We act like our lives in this world are the only lives we have, and that after we die, we’re done.
We act like the purpose of life is happiness, and that happiness is the result of circumstances.
We act like success is measured by comparison with others.
We act like comfort, pleasure, and entertainment are the keys to the enjoyment of life.

Put these things together, and you have the perfect recipe for disappointment, pain, and suffering, because they’re lies.  Even if they seem to work, it’s only for awhile.  We’re creatures, created by a Creator, who alone is at the center.  And when that Creator created everything, He made us as the pinnacle, the high point, the ones to whom He would make Himself known…through all the trials & tribulations His people have earned & inherited for themselves throughout history.  But we’re not at the center.  All this is working towards a climax at the end of what we know of as “history”….when time will converge to a singular point, and then end abruptly….and eternity will continue, according to the author’s design.  And all the temporal ideas and diversions that seemed so important to us in the midst of the previous life will melt away.

There are many, many things I am troubled by and do not understand…but I do wholeheartedly believe that the meaning, purpose, pleasure, and result of this life can only be found by embracing the Creator at the center of all things…on His own terms.  To me, it’s the only thing that makes sense.  It’s the beginning and end of all that is objectively REAL.

“Our citizenship is in heaven…and we eagerly await a Savior from there.” (Philippians 3:20)


Tough Question 5: Why does God let bad things happen to good people?

Tough Question 5: Why does God let bad things happen to good people?
Anyone with a pulse has probably asked that question.  If there really is a God out there, and if that God is all-knowing and all-powerful like the Bible says, then why in the world doesn’t He do something about all the crap down here?  Disease, famine, war, injustice, genocide, pollution, etc….why doesn’t He put an end to all of it if He has the ability to do so?  The short answer may surprise you.  It’s LOVE.  Let me explain….
First of all, let’s take the “bad things / good people” dichotomy.  At the end of the day, there are no “good people” or “bad people”….there are just “people.”  Sure, there are those who are “gooder” and “badder” by comparison with everyone else, but intrinsically we are all a mixed bag.  In our spiritual nature, we are very, very good.  God created us that way…unique as the only creatures made “in His own image.”  We are worthy and valuable and wonderful by nature, and capable to amazing acts of love & beauty.  That being said, I think it goes without saying that we’re all imperfect and somewhat compromised in our inner center of motivation…each of us prone to pride & narcissism in our own different ways.  This is not how God created man & woman, but it is how we ended up, following what C.S. Lewis refers to as “The Great Divorce”….when Adam & Eve, the first man & first woman, broke their relationship with God and were cast out of His presence into a fallen world. 
That world has gone through many changes over millennia, nevertheless it is the same fallen world you & I live in today.  We are, all of us, the same mixed-bags of goodness/badness.  So to wonder why bad things happen to “good” people, really doesn’t make any sense to me.  What DOES make sense is the deeper meaning it points to about God’s love.  God had to create man & woman with the ability to make that choice….to choice to obey & stay or to rebel & leave….or it would not have been love.  God loves us so much, always has & always will, that it was worth the risks to create us with the right to choose. 
My 18-year old daughter is about to graduate from High School, and 2 months after that we’ll move her down to Phoenix, AZ, for college.  I love my daughter dearly, and I desire that she love me too.  Because of our love for her, my wife & I have been loosening the reins gradually over the past year or two.  Not only because it’s our job to help her learn to be successful and responsible without us, but also because we desire her to love us after she leaves.  If we put a bunch of unrealistic rules around her to limit her mobility, or smother her with attention, or try to shelter her from the adult world, we would be doing her no favors.  Actually, it would reveal a shallowness to our love for her, and it would tarnish her love for us.  Love and trust are related.  When she goes away from home, I hope she doesn’t spend time in dark rooms alone with stupid boys or start doing drugs or get in a fatal car crash or decide she wants to worship Satan.  But because I love her, and I desire for her to love me too, I must give her complete freedom to do what she chooses, regardless of the consequences…because REAL LOVE IS WORTH THE RISK.   I would give my life for my daughter in a hearbeat…but this is just a taste of the love God has for us as we sojourn through this fallen world of pain & suffering.  He beckons us to Him through the storm.
Final thought, from Timothy Keller’s book “The Reason For God”:

“The Bible says that Jesus came on a rescue mission for creation.  He had to pay for our sins so that someday He can end evil and suffering without ending us.  If we ask the question: ‘Why does God allow evil and suffering to continue?’ and we look at the cross of Jesus, we still do not know what the answer is.  However, we now know what the answer isn’t.  It can’t be that He doesn’t love us.  It can’t be that He is indifferent or detached from our condition.  God takes our misery and suffering SO seriously that He was willing to take it on Himself.”

Tough Question 4: Why does the Bible teach about being holy…can’t God just love us how we are?

This is an amazingly poignant question, which is being asked by countless seekers of truth today.  The trouble is, most people who ask this question have the false notion that God doesn’t love us unless we do what He says.  This opinion is promoted by those who either don’t know the Bible, or don’t understand how to interpret it.  We don’t have to be holy in order to earn God’s love, we already have it…we couldn’t be holy if our lives depended on it! (this was part of the point of the whole Old Testament).  Rather, God loves us; and we pursue holiness because we want to love Him back.

In some scriptures, God is portrayed as a Heavenly Father; whose love for us is higher & deeper than anything we can imagine.  In other places, we see Him as a Righteous Judge; dividing the good from the bad – the holy from the unholy – revealing His opinion about how we should be living.  In truth, God is both; and seeks to relate to mankind, and each one of us, as both.  He is the source and embodiment of both mercy and justice in their pure form.  However, we humans are not very good at understanding or living-out that kind of balance in relationships & society.  We tend to gravitate to the extremes.

Many of us are either highly ordered & exacting in our expectations of ourselves & others, to the point of coming-across self-righteous & judgmental……or we’re super accepting & permissive of all viewpoints, to the point of being spineless jellyfish who have a hard time taking a stand for anything.  God isn’t in the extremes, He deals with each of us with exactly the perfect blend of nurture and chastening.  Also, His dealings with mankind, as well as individuals, has changed dramatically over the course of time.

All the way back in the beginning, in the Garden of Eden (if you believe in that stuff….I do), God hung-out with man & woman.  Their relationship was, as of yet, unmarred by the terror of separation, which resulted from the sin of our ancestors.  This created a chasm between the holy & perfect God, and the corrupted & imperfect Adam & Eve….and set in motion God’s monumental plan.  THE PLAN.  To re-engineer a way for us to live with Him again in the same type of relationship we were created for.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH “HOLINESS” VIDEO – It’ll knock your socks off