

Although I definitely appreciate and enjoy the fun & community-oriented traditions that have developed around Halloween…like giving away candy, encouraging kids to experiment with self-expression & play-acting…I will NEVER support the celebration of evil/darkness/death. 
“Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.” (1 Peter 2:16)

The Church Needs To Be Rebuilt Backwards

“The modern Church is badly broken.

It’s not broken simply because it is filled with flawed, failing human beings. That is certainly true but this has always been the case, and yet the Church has not always been as dysfunctional and neutered of influence and culturally ineffective as it is now.

One of the reasons the modern Christian Church is becoming obsolete and irrelevant to so many people (and why they are opting out in exponentially increasing numbers) is that for decades it’s been built backwards—and they’re all realizing it.

Having been a pastor in the local church for 18 years I’ve seen thousands of new church start-ups or “church plants” spring up along the way, and far too many of them are variations on the same faulty theme.

The template and sequence for birthing these Christian faith communities is shockingly similar:”
These foregoing words are from John Pavlovitz’s blog post entitled, ‘The Church Needs To Be Rebuilt Backwards.’  He has a remarkably clear way of putting to words what many of us are thinking, and tends to be a bit sacrilegious & satirical in the process.  I would encourage you to read the entirety of this post at 

Mastery Over Cravings

Stress makes me hungry.  Relaxation makes me hungry.  Watching TV commercials makes me hungry.  Honestly, most things in life make me hungry!  Hunger is an interesting thing…not just physical hunger for food…but craving itself.  As humans, we all have lots of cravings…inner urges for something outside ourselves to make us happy & peaceful.  Something to satisfy the urges .  One of the aspects of maturity, especially maturity in Christ, is learning to control our cravings…rather than vice versa.  Over the past 2 months or so, I’ve lost about 8-9 pounds.  It’s been brutal at times, but has reminded me of some larger life lessons about walking with God.
The less I try to satisfy the cravings within me by indulging in pleasures, the more open I am to receive peace & purpose from the Lord… to fill my own heart and overflow to others.
John 4:31-34 – “Jesus’ disciples urged him, “Rabbi, eat something.” But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” Then his disciples said to each other, “Could someone have brought him food?” “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”
Luke 8:14-15 – “The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”
True mastery over cravings doesn’t come by will power…from anything inside me.  It comes from leaning into the Spirit of God, and allowing His character to permeate my heart so much that my “inner-craver” is put under His Lordship & will for me.  

Sovereignty Interplay

The history of mankind is a an object lesson about the interplay of God’s creation & sovereignty on one side, and our struggle as those created in His image to come-out from under His reign to make a name for ourselves.  As I continue reading through the entirety of the Bible this year, and having just finished “Jeremiah” the prophet and independent study about the kingdoms of the ancient Near East, this fact comes home to me.  All throughout history, people have struggled to understand and express their God-given creativity and strength according to our birthright.  We were created to live dependently in relationship with the Almighty…and when we remove Him from the equation – no matter how beautiful, entertaining, or wealthy our accomplishments may seem in the short-run – we end up with a hollow shell of self-interest and ignorance of the bigger picture.  His Kingdom endures and progresses throughout the ages of mankind’s struggle for independence from our Heavenly Father.  The real question at the heart of God’s Kingdom is whether or not the King has the right to set the rules and lead His creation, and whether the subjects will entrust themselves to follow wholeheartedly One they cannot see.
The Bible, which is actually a “library” rather than a “book,” is the written, historical record of those special (yet imperfect) people who dared to believe that God was still on His throne…working faithfully through history, and calling creation back to Himself.  They bucked the worldly man-centered cycles, and sought to bring themselves and those they led into submission to the King, entrusting themselves to Him and His greater purposes for their lives and the world around them.  In they eyes of the world, however, submission, humility, and godliness are seen as weakness…while pride, wantonness, and aggressiveness are treasured and celebrated.  This dichotomy has been true from the “cradle of civilization” kingdoms of Mesopotamia and Persia, to the Greek & Roman empires, through the ensuing Middle Ages and the corruption of the Church, the Enlightenment & Renaissance, and the Modern & Post-Modern ages.  
God’s Kingdom will be fully realized and consummated only at the end of what we call “human history”…which to the King, is merely a small section of an exceedingly large story He is writing.
2 Corinthians 5:19-21

“God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sinb for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”


The Key

Have you ever said something like, “Lord, if You will just tell me what you want me to do, I will serve You to the best of my ability”?  If God were to put you in that kind of assignment, could He trust you to handle it?  Are you ready to go to the next level of faith in God?…God knows the exact limits of your faith.

Our own hearts can deceive us (see Jer. 17:9).  We can often have a higher estimate of our faithfulness and trust in God than we should.  God is never fooled.  He always matches His assignments with our character and faith in Him.  So trust Him.  Don’t insist that God put you in a position you think you should have. Don’t strive to gain a position you think you deserve or can handle…Rather, trust Him and obey wholeheartedly where He has put you, and watch to see where He leads you next.

Remain faithful in what He HAS told you to do, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant it may appear.  God knows what He is doing.  Focus on deepening your communion with God, and out of that fellowship will inevitably flow effective service for God.

All the preceding words were taken directly from the book “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby.  It’s truly an amazing journey through what it means to know and do the will of God.  Every follower of Jesus should read it!

Romans 12:1-2

I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Jeremiah 17: 5-10

5This is what the Lord says:

“Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
who draws strength from mere flesh
and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
6That person will be like a bush in the wastelands;
they will not see prosperity when it comes.
They will dwell in the parched places of the desert,
in a salt land where no one lives.

7“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
8They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.”

9The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
10“I the Lord search the heart
and examine the mind,
to reward each person according to their conduct,
according to what their deeds deserve.”

Greater Than Our Hearts

I’m on the tail-end of reading through the whole Bible this year.  All I have left is to read through the books of the prophets…right now I’m about halfway through Jeremiah.  Reading large portions of scripture, in-context and chronologically, has reinforced my sense of wonder and appreciation for The Lord.  The truth of the fallen nature of all of us, and our great need for Him.  He created us out of love and for fellowship, but with free will to choose.  Over the ages of His interactions and covenants with His people, it is amazing to see His repeated dedication to REDEEM (restore, “buy back”) His people from the sins that separate them from Him… no matter how corrupt they become, and regardless of how severe their consequences had to be.  That cycle repeats itself to this very day, in my life as well as everyone else who seeks Him.  He is good, and He can be trusted.

The scriptures reveal the character of the One True God.  The only thing more powerful than His hatred for sin is His relentless love for the sinner!

That’s why I love Him.

“If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” 
(1 John 3:20)


Lessons from “Experiencing God”

I’ve been re-reading a wonderful book that made a profound impact on me back in college in the early 90’s.  “Experiencing God” isn’t rocket science, but it may as well be for us American christians who seem to have become so totally overcome by the temptations of the world that we have no place for the true, historical ways of Jesus.  “Experiencing God” delves into those WAYS by looking carefully through the pages of scripture – THE written record of God’s redemptive work in human history – to see what He’s all about, how His most trusted people acted, what following Jesus really looks like, etc.  The author, Henry Blackaby, thinks that God is not dead.  He thinks that God is not only alive & well, but that He’s actively engaged in world, in communities, and in the lives of every individual!  He believes that God can and does perform miracles all day every day in & through the lives of His people.  I can’t tell you how powerfully this book is affecting me right now, it’s amazing!  If you want to truly know God and follow Him, THIS IS A MUST READ.  But be ready to get your butt kicked.  Here are some the boot kicks leaving marks on my proud & self-centered posterior at the moment:

“We must come to a place where we renounce our self-focused approach to life and turn the attention and control over to God.  When this happens, God orients us to Himself and to the purposes He is accomplishing around us.”

“The world urges us to protect, pamper, promote, comfort, and prosper ourselves.  But God tells us to deny ourselves…”

“In scripture, you never find God asking people to dream up what they want to do for Him.  He never urges His people to set impressive goals and generate grand visions for Him and His kingdom…they were not brilliant planners.  They were humble “heroes of the faith.”  God commended them for their compliance, not for their performance.”

Depending on God is not easy…but it’s good.  He can be trusted.

“It is God who is working in you, enabling you both to will and to act for His good purpose.” Philippians 2:13


I feel closest to God when…

You’ve probably heard people say things like “I feel closer to God on a hike in the forest than I do in a church building.”  You may have even said that…I have.  In fact, there are a lot of places & actions that make me feel closer to God than the traditional prescriptions.  I feel closest to God when I’m praying while running through a forest, or serving someone in need.  Running because it’s just me & Him communicating in His creation….serving because it sidelines my self-seeking nature and focuses me on Him.  How about you?

Taking it a step further, I wonder if there’s a connection between things that draw us closer to God, and His definition of the word “worship.”  Here are some things the Bible says, and doesn’t say, about WORSHIP:

  • When we read the word “worship” in the New Testament (NT), 80% of the time it’s translated from the Greek word “proskuneo” (which looks like this προσκυνέω).  The word literally means to “kiss toward”….kind of like how we would say “to blow kisses.”  
  • Not once in the NT does the word “worship” refer to singing or a time/place.
  • “Worship” is often used without much description…”they fell down and worshipped”….”Jacob worshipped while leaning on his staff”…
  • It’s not dependent upon place.  “Jesus replied, ‘believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.'” (John 4;21)
  • In perhaps the most powerful Biblical description of “worship,” found in Romans 12:1-2, we find this: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

So perhaps worship, real Biblical worship, can happen anytime at any place, as long as it involves recognizing, honoring, and communing with God in ways that empower us to follow Him.


Celebrity, Consumerism, Competition – Killing the American Church

I think this is one of the most insightful, respectfully-challenging blogs I’ve read in a long time about the state of the American Church…

(copy the link below and paste into your browser)


Christian Social Control

Transformation of people and cultures into what we were created for is God’s work; and He invites us to be His Hands through acts of service, words of truth, expressions of love. Problems happen when discouragement & impatience influence us to close our fists and take control. Whenever we fall into the sin of usurping God’s reign, ineffective domination and disillusionment are sure to follow. Read this insightful blog about an example of this from our nation’s history…

From “Story Of Grace 66” – Call of Duty (part 11): The Disaster of Changing Culture Through Laws Rather Than Through Apostolic Mission [Prohibition]

“The final gasp for political and social control of the nation by evangelical Protestants was in the 1910’s with the effort to abolish the sale, distribution and use of alcohol.  This was what is known as Prohibition. Evangelicals sought through political control and legislative power to bring America, once again, under the influence of Christ through banning its greatest vice–“the drink”.  This effort turned out to be disastrous!  It turned out to be a textbook case in the “law of unintended consequences.”  The effort to Christianize the nation through force of law created effects the entrenched “sin industry” and culture that persists to this day.

In this blog we will look at the development of this issue and then the lessons that we learn as it relates to being on apostolic mission.  Namely, we will see what happens when the church focuses on shaping culture through conformity rather than transforming through apostolic mission.     

The Development
There was no single issue which displayed the animosity with the new wave of post-Civil War flood of immigrants as the issue of alcohol. It was largely argued by Prohibitionists that if you legally rid alcohol from the nation you will wipe out the majority of other vices. Though no one doubted the problems and even disasters that occurred from the abuse of alcohol, the Prohibitionist movement took on larger meanings.  Billy Sunday, the best known evangelist of this period, said…

 “Take drink away and most of the other problems that immigrants created in cities would disappear.”
This idea was built upon strands of social research that had been conducted.  In the 1840’s a businessman from Portland, Maine called Neal Dow, made a study on the effects of alcohol there and discovered an astonishing range of evils. Family violence, crime, poverty, a loss of production in factories were, as he put it, “alcohol related.” In 1851 he persuaded the state legislature to pass the “Maine Law” which banned the sale of alcohol. 13 of 30 states passed similar laws by 1855. 

Counter to this emphasis was the rise of the Republican Party (the party of Abraham Lincoln) which was seeking to broaden its base,    began recruiting Irish and German Catholics, and German and Scandinavian Lutherans who were generally opposed to Prohibition, took its anti-alcohol stance off its platform. 

Yet after the Civil War militant women took up the cause and enlisted evangelical/Protestant churches into its army. A battle hymn written by Julia Nelson went:
And where are the hands red with slaughter?
Behold them each day as you pass
The places where death and destruction
Are retailed at ten cents a glass.
One of the key anti-alcohol movements was the Anti-Saloon League. And the league leaders insisted that the league was simply “the churches [and the decent people] organized against the saloon.” But the fact is that this movement was rural or small-town against the culture being formed by the immigration boom. Alphonso Alva Hopkins (a leader in the temperance movement) stated this…
“Our boast has been that we are a Christian people, with Morality at the center of our civilization. Foreign control and conquest is rapidly making us un-Christian, with immorality enthroned in power. Be-sodden Europe, worse scourged than by war, famine and pestilence sends here her drink makers, her drunkards, or her…habitual drinkers, with all their un-American and anti-American ideals of morality and government; they are absorbed into our national life, but not assimilated; with no liberty from whence they came, they demand unrestricted liberty among us, even to license the things we loathe…they have set up for us their own moral standards, which are grossly immoral; they govern our great cities…” 
By 1916, 21 states had banned saloons. In 1917 Congress submitted the 18th Amendment which was ratified in 1919. This changed the Constitution to ban “the manufacture, sale and transportation of intoxicating liquors.” Christians haled this as the dawning of a new era. Billy Sunday in Norfolk Virginia triumphed…
“Good-by John Barleycorn, the reign of tears is over…The slums will soon be only a memory. We will turn our prisons into factories and our jails into storehouses and corncribs. Men will walk upright now, women will smile, and children will laugh. Hell will be forever rent.”
The Unintended Effects of Prohibition
1) Prohibition brought about a qualitative and permanent change in the scale and sophistication of organized crime in America. Non Anglo-Saxon minorities consolidated themselves. In New York bootlegging was 1/2 Jewish,  1/4 Italian, and then 1/4 Polish and Irish. In Chicago it was the same story. Prohibition simply transferred the sale of alcohol to criminal sources away from legitimate retailers. The criminal elements had more finances than the police forces which would have to fight them.  John Torrio, who ran large-scale bootlegging in Chicago from 1920-24, retired to Italy in 1925 with a fortune $30 million. No one in the history of the world had made this kind of money from organized crime. Studies by the Justice Department’s Law Enforcement Assistance Administration in the 1970’s indicate that the beginning of Prohibition in the 1920’s was the starting point of the most identifiable crime-families, which continue to flourish today.

2) Prohibition made city improvement impossible. General Smadley Butler of the US Marine Corps was put in charge of the Philadelphia police to clean up the city in  1924. He gave up the job after two years explaining it to be a “waste of time.” Walter Ligget who was the foremost living expert on the subject testified to the House Judiciary Committee in 1930 that….
“…there is considerably more hard liquor being drunk than there was before the days of Prohibition and…drunk in more evil surroundings. He said [Washington D.C. had 300 bars before Prohibition: now it had 700 speakeasies, supplied by 4000 bootleggers. Police records showed that arrest for alcohol has tripled over the decade. Massachusetts has jumped from 1000 licensed saloons to 4000 speakeasies…Kansas was dry before Prohibition yet there was not a town where a total stranger could not tell you where to get a drink in fifteen minutes.”
A small desert town named Las Vegas was transformed into the world’s gambling capital. Because of Prohibition untold millions of dollars was reinvested into gambling, prostitution, and other assorted evils.
3) Prohibition drove division between the city and smaller towns of America. Bootleggers operated with public approval in the cities. Most urban men (not women) agreed with Mencken that Prohibition was the work of “ignorant bumpkins from the cow states who resent the fact that they had to swill raw corn liquor while city slickers got good wine and whiskey.”

The 18th Amendment was overturned by the 21st Amendment in 1933.

Christians can win the political war but lose the culture.  Even though Prohibition was a major win for evangelical Christians, the 1920’s cemented the end of the cultural control of pre-Civil War evangelical Protestantism. The nation began to develop an alternative culture through the entertainment industry. This could be represented in the developments of Hollywood and Jazz.

Hollywood was founded in 1887 by two strict Methodists, Horace and Daeidea Wilcox. The hope was to turn it into a haven for religious practice. When it was incorporated into a city in 1903 it banned liquor and the growing industry of movie houses. In 1910 it was forced to incorporate itself with Los Angeles in order to get water. However, in 1913 Los Angeles signed a petition with over 10,000 citizens to ban movie-making because it would bring immorality. By then, however, the Hollywood payroll was $20 million annually. The cultural momentum could not be stopped by force of law and regulation.
In 1890 there was not a single amusement arcade in New York. By 1900 there were a thousand. By 1908 there were 400 in New York City alone and they were spreading all across Northern cities. Many of these arcades contained Nickelodeons. These were movie pictures that could be seen for a nickle. They were silent and cheap. This had an extremely high appeal to the poor urban, non-English speaking immigrants. The Nickelodeons, arcades, and theaters were mostly owned by Jews. But the movie’s shorts were owned largely by Protestants. Thus Jews began to move to California where the litigation and governmental regulation was very lax and started their own movie patent companies. It was there that poor Jews of immediate immigrant stock began to build today’s movie empires. In 1915 Universal City was built by Carl Laemmle (1867-1939) and was producing a movie a day. William Fox (1879- 1927), born in Hungary, built the movie chain Twentieth Century-Fox.,  Louis B. Mayer (1885-1957), born in Russia, built Metro-Godwyn-Mayer. The Warner Brothers were two of nine children of a poor cobber from Poland.  In 1920 Gloria Swanson, who starred in Cecil B. Demille’s Male and Female (1919) and Why Change Your Wife (1920), built herself a twenty-two room, five bath “palace”, floored it in black marble, put in golden bath tubs and hung it in peacock silk. She said… 
☆☆☆“I will be every inch and moment a star.”☆☆☆
Jazz was also indicative of the entertainment change. The 1920’s had mass motoring, screaming advertising, endless movies, records sold by the millions–but above all it had jazz. Protestant America was rich in song, but not in a polyphonic music tradition. Yet blacks, though discouraged in many things, were encouraged to develop in music. Jazz was the development of blues and spirituals learned on the plantation combined with the folk music predominant in America. Yet this music was not bound by the old rules. In 1920 Dorthy Parker sang…
“I like to have a Martini/ Two at the very most./ After three I’m under the table./ After four I’m under the host.”

This whole effort was disastrous because the goal was not the expansion of God’s Story of Grace but rather the effort to gain Christian control of the nation.  The effort was not the expansion of God’s reign and rule through the gospel, it was the resurgence of legal control to a lifestyle that once was.