“It’s Not “Go And Become Disciples”” Jesus did not say, “Go and become disciples.” Of course, you can’t give what you don’t have, so becoming a disciple is important. But for at least one generation, we have emphasized “becoming” at the expense of “making.” The result? We have created a spiritually obese generation of disciples with no vision to make other disciples. They are spiritual overeaters that don’t get enough exercise. It has created a huge bottleneck for reaching younger generations with the Gospel. Most Christians today are not contagious. We sneeze and nobody catches what we have. The solution? There is a lot to it – like training. But the starting point is that we need to recast the vision for “making” disciples. And what if you are already making disciples? Make sure you’re equipping your disciples to “make” disciples, not just “become” disciples. You’re not making disciples until your disciples are making disciples.” –Patrick Morley